Learn Auricular Therapy ~ Quantum Healing Day

Learn How To Do Auricular Therapy Workshop

Are you suffering from stress? Pain? Irritability? Digestive issues? Libido issues? Hormonal issues? Circulation problems??? ADDICTION?
Then this talk is for you!!!
Discover your very own built in "I AM HEALER" found on your ears!
Michelle will take you thru the complete 7 step technique she calls the "INSTALL" that serves to reboot every part of you, inside and out.
The ears are a small surface so they are very simple to learn.
Discover how easy it is to help your self or anyone else, anywhere, anytime by learning to squeeze the ears in a systematic sequence of pulsations that cover the entire surface of the ears. These instructions can be found in her instructional ebook "I AM HEALER ~ YOU are the ONE", also available as ebook and videos or, ebook + videos and 3 coaching sessions. You can get your own copy by clicking on the ebook below.

I AM HEALER ~ YOU are the ONE!

Thank you to all who came to learn how to do Auricular Acupressure for self!!!

Posted in Auricular Acupressure, Events.