Reflexology for Parkinson’s Disease

 Christopher Johns a,*, Debbie Blake b, Alan Sinclair c a University of Bedfordshire, Putteridge Bury, Hitchin Road, Luton, LU2 8LE, UK b Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist, Bedford PCT, UK c University of Bedfordshire, UK This study explored whether reflexology could improve or sustain the wellbeing of people with Parkinosn’s Disease [PD] using the PDQ39 wellbeing tool […]

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Ancient Healing Sciences

There is evidence of Reflexology dating back to the Pyramid of Giza, The origins of Reflexology reach back to ancient Egypt as evidenced by inscriptions found in the physician’s tomb at Saqqara in Egypt. The translation of the hieroglyphics are as follows: “Don’t hurt me.” The practitioner’s reply:- ” I shall act so you praise me. […]

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Ancient Wisdom

Auricular Acupressure is Ancient Wisdom that was deliberately oppressed, along with all other natural healing methods, by the high priests of the Roman Empire then lost to the underground since the Hippocratic Oath in 5BCE. Burning at the stake anyone who could heal with their hands when charged with heresy had a huge impact on […]

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